Πέμπτη, Μαρτίου 23, 2006

Fuck me

There’s a look on my face I would like to knock out
See the sin in my grin and the shape of my mouth
All I want is to see me in terrible pain
Though we won’t ever meet I remember my name
Can’t believe I was once just like anyone else
Then I grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can, so fuck me anyway
I am scum, I am scum and I hope that I know
That the cracks in my smile are beginning to show
Now the world needs to see that it’s time I should go
There’s no light in my eyes and my brain is too slow
Can’t believe I was once just like anyone else
Then I grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can, so fuck me anyway
Bet I sleep like a child with my thumb in my mouth
I could creep up beside put a gun in my mouth
Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that I say
So much crap coming out it must take me all day
There’s a space kept in hell with my name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
When I look at myself do I see what I see?
If I do why the fuck am I looking at me?
Why the fuck, why the fuck, am I looking at me?
Why the fuck, why the fuck, am I looking at me?
Why the fuck, why the fuck, am I looking at me?
Why the fuck, why the fuck, am I looking at me?
There’s a time for us all and I think mine has been
Can I please hurry up cos I find me obscene
I can’t wait for the day that I'm never around
When my face isn’t here and I rot underground
Can’t believe I was once just like anyone else
Then I grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can, so fuck me anyway
So fuck me anyway (Repeat X 11).


At 3/23/2006 06:24:00 μ.μ., Blogger Μαύρος Γάτος said...

Γάμησέ τα ποστ.

At 3/23/2006 06:44:00 μ.μ., Blogger divebomb djingle said...

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me (Repeat x 16)

αλλά και

You're tearing us apart
Crushing us inside
You used to lift us up
Now you get us down

If you
Were to walk away
From us our love
Could we laugh again?

πάλι κάτι άλλο σημαίνει το θέμα κι έχω βγει εκτός.

At 3/23/2006 08:27:00 μ.μ., Blogger Αθήναιος said...

Θα διακινδυνεύσω να πω ότι δεν είμαι σίγουρος ότι κατάλαβα. Βέβαια, θα μπορούσα να στείλω e-mail στο Μαύρο Γάτο να μου εξηγήσει κ να γλυτώσουμε τα υπόλοιπα αλλά δε βαρίεστε.

Δηλαδή,το Fuck me είναι όπως λέμε "Δεν μας γαμάς ρε φίλε"ή σαν το " Γαμείστε μας κ αφήστε μας".

Κ τα δύο τα θεωρώ φράσεις που δηλώνουν απογοήτευση κ απελπισία.

At 3/23/2006 08:40:00 μ.μ., Blogger Old Boy said...

«Τα παίρνεις όλα πολύ στα σοβαρά,
ήταν τα λόγια του ληστή»

At 3/24/2006 12:08:00 π.μ., Blogger Ladychill said...

Old boy...what a surprise! Δεν περίμενα ν' ακούς εσύ τέτοια τραγούδια! Πολύ σε χαίρομαι :)

At 3/24/2006 08:26:00 π.μ., Blogger Sraosha said...

Συγγνώμην, αλλά ποιος είναι ο δημιουργός των στίχων στο ποστ;

(Δε σου 'χει μείνει μια σταλιά ντροπή,
δώσε λιγάκι προσοχή)

At 3/24/2006 03:04:00 μ.μ., Blogger Old Boy said...

To συγκρότημα «Αrchive». Mόνο που εδώ είναι ελαφρώς παραλλαγμένοι.

At 3/29/2006 12:29:00 π.μ., Blogger des said...

In this blues I'm singing, there's a lesson to be learned
you go round smoking, you're gonna get burned
Fuck me what have I done wrong?
nothing can go right with me must be that I've been smoking
too long
too long.

Placebo, έτσι, επειδή έτυχε.
...και γαμώ τα κέφια σήμερα.


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